Some excellent books and articles by writers who have worked with me—and with each other—in workshops.

When a new mine is proposed in her town, Angela Williamson Emmert takes an empathic and introspective look at her community and her values, finding the ways they intersect.

Anjali Vaidya explores the beauty of the non-native lantana tree in India and her own bi-national identity, making you think more deeply about the concept of invasive species.

Adam Rome will be publishing the piece he workshopped at Bread Loaf in the journal Environmental History! Meanwhile, he explains what Frederic Law Olmsted has to tell us about sustainable communities:

Chauna Craig writes a lyrical non-nature nature essay about hummingbirds, and about being human.

Victoria Doerper finds a spider in her shower, and weaves a short meditation on unknowability.

Nancy Bazilchuk goes out on a limb (sorry) to follow owl researchers and report on what they're learning.

Mary Bilderback finds herself birdwatching in an unusual place: Home Depot.

Josh VanBrakle tells woodland owners—whether they have 5 acres or 500—how to maintain their trees and protect water and wildlife.

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